SOFTZONE COMPUTER EDUCATION (S.C.E)® registered under societies registration ACT XXI of 1860 (Reg.No S/RS/SW/0183/2010) from Govt.Of INDIA & also got International ISO 9001:2015 Certification & Approval for its Quality Management System, New Delhi respectively and working in computer field with the central as well as State Govt. to reach every class of the society.
In this area of information Technology and Science We are committed to made available the computer education on very nominal fee structures.
Now a days, there is a scarcity to find the short term courses with the flexibility so that the middle class and working class could be benefitted and improve their understanding and ultimately contribute in the National development & skills with more confidence and dignity.
Training methods have been maximized with "learning" rather than "teaching" through well equipped lab ONE-TO-ONE ratio (ONE COMPUTER FOR ONE STUDENT). With structured combination of theoretical and practical sessions, reinforced with latest technology computers in every class room .
99113965657289884446, 9910476465
RZ-1212, Main Sagar PurStreet No-5, New Delhi-110046